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End to end essays, application, activities, chance me, with Shayan. ✅

Shayan Faisal

Trainer LUMS Counselor AI | LUMS'25

Over the last three years, Shayan has helped more than a 100,000 students with his online content, reviewed more than a hundered personal statements.
More recently, he’s run a Data Science survey in his course at LUMS to determine the type of students the admissions committee wants to give scholarships to.
Each year Qalam has been active, students from our cohort have received merit scholarships at LUMS. 
We’d love to help you achieve the same, and if not a scholarship, an acceptance offer.

End-to-end guidance

  • Complete guidance for the full LUMS application, with one-to-one meetings with Shayan.
  • Get exclusive access to Qalam Data Research.
  • Build a personal statement and application that helps you get an admission into your choice of school at LUMS!


Counselor AI

Write a skeleton essay, a full essay, or get your essay checked

Q&A and links

Get links to important pages & websites around LUMS immediately


New 🥳

LUMS dataset based tips

With our most recent data analysis, get to know your chances at LUMS and learn what to do to better them


New 🥳

Filled application

A complete, accepted & filled application to clear up confusions


New 🥳

Essay database

A complete database of personal statements from accepted LUMS students


New 🥳

LUMS acceptance rate

A calculator made through each school’s averages by taking data from the Qalam’s Data Research ©

What your seniors are saying

LUMS grades acceptance rate

School Preference at LUMS
What school do you aim to apply into at LUMS?
Standardized Tests
What standardized test have you given?
Junior Exams of Choice
What exams have you already given as a junior?
Senior Exams of Choice
What exams have you already given as a senior?
SAT Score
What was your SAT score?
Other Junior Percentage *
Convert your junior marks to matriculation equivalent and add above
Other Senior Percentage *
Convert your junior marks to F.Sc equivalent and add above
Matriculation Percentage *
What was your Matric percentage?
F.Sc Percentage *
What was your F.Sc percentage?
My O-Level result had...
What grades did your O-Level result have?
O-Level A*'s
O-Level A's
O-Level B's
O-Level C's
O-Level D's
O-Level E's
My AS or A-Level result had...
What grades did your A-Level result have?
A-Level A*'s
A-Level A's
A-Level B's
A-Level C's
A-Level D's
A-Level E's
Grade Match with LUMS SSE
Below Average
Grade Match with LUMS HSS
Below Average
Grade Match with LUMS SDSB
Below Average
Grade Match with LUMS SAHSOL
Below Average

Savings of PKR 20,500

December to January Cohort

The Complete LUMS App

LUMS Counselor AI Premium +

Complete Guidance

PKR 130,000

PKR 100,000

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